Vancouver Low Velocity Impact Accident Lawyer
The ICBC has a policy called the Low Velocity Impact (LVI) Program. The policy is based on the ICBC’s belief that if a car accident that occurs at a low speed and results in less than $1,000 in damage is not serious enough to result in an accident. However, a personal injury claim should be based on a person’s injuries rather than property damage. Additionally, the ICBC can’t determine whether or not you were injured; only a doctor can do that. If you have been injured in a car accident, even one that occurred in a low velocity situation, you need to retain legal counsel in order to receive the compensation you deserve.
There are four criteria the ICBC uses when determining LVI claims:
- Was the transfer of forces to the occupant 8km/hr or less?
- Are there any pre-existing health problems, injuries or conditions that make it more likely that a person could have been injured?
- Is there an objective injury that warrants compensation?
- Are there any extraordinary circumstances which should be brought to the committee’s attention?