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Vancouver Low Velocity Impact Accident Lawyer

The ICBC has a policy called the Low Velocity Impact (LVI) Program. The policy is based on the ICBC’s belief that if a car accident that occurs at a low speed and results in less than $1,000 in damage is not serious enough to result in an accident. However, a personal injury claim should be based on a person’s injuries rather than property damage. Additionally, the ICBC can’t determine whether or not you were injured; only a doctor can do that. If you have been injured in a car accident, even one that occurred in a low velocity situation, you need to retain legal counsel in order to receive the compensation you deserve.

There are four criteria the ICBC uses when determining LVI claims:

  • Was the transfer of forces to the occupant 8km/hr or less?
  • Are there any pre-existing health problems, injuries or conditions that make it more likely that a person could have been injured?
  • Is there an objective injury that warrants compensation?
  • Are there any extraordinary circumstances which should be brought to the committee’s attention?
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What Should I Do if the ICBC Denies My LVI Claim?

If the ICBC determines that your accident was LVI, they may help you fix your vehicle, but your claim for medical care and lost wages may be denied. The Low Velocity Impact Program is ICBC policy, not the law. If the ICBC denies your claim based on the Low Velocity Impact Program, you should speak with a Low Velocity Impact accident lawyer in order to determine what your options are. First, it is important that you do not speak with the ICBC before speaking with a lawyer who can advocate on your behalf. You should also seek medical attention from your own doctor and retain all medical records. Additionally, it may be beneficial for you to keep a journal documenting the impact your injuries have on your ability to work or perform other daily activities.

Just because the ICBC classifies your accident as an LVI does not mean that you can’t get compensation; it just mean that you may have to sue for it. The ICBC will be ready to defend their decision to deny your claim, so you need to be equally as prepared. Contact Lemer & Company Litigation Counsel as soon as possible. Bruce Lemer will work for your best interests when dealing with the ICBC.

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Vancouver ICBC LVI Accident Claim Lawyer

Experienced car accident lawyer Bruce Lemer can analyze all the variables involved, develop necessary evidence and retain top experts. If liability is an issue, it is beneficial to retain an experienced LVI accident lawyer promptly so that the evidence can be preserved and your rights can be protected when dealing with ICBC.

Contact the experienced Low Velocity Impact accident lawyers at Lemer & Company Litigation Counsel604-642-6363.

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