How to Deal With a Request for a Medical Authorization Form

For an adjuster to ask for you to sign a medical authorization form may seem like an innocent, and maybe even expected, step in the personal injury claim process. Signing a medical authorization form, however, can mean enabling the insurance company to pry in a way that can hurt your case. Your  B. C. personal injury lawyer will be able to educate you as to what you should and should not do when it comes to your case, as even the most innocuous-seeming actions on the part of the insurance adjuster can affect your ability to get a fair settlement.

The problem with medical authorization forms is that they are sweeping in scope. Essentially, they can enable insurance adjusters to delve quite deeply into your complete medical history, including medical conditions and matters that could be unrelated to the ones relevant to your personal injury claim. Claimants should never sign potentially damaging medical release forms without discussing the possible consequences with a qualified  personal injury lawyer.

Bruce Lemer has been counsel in actions involving serious soft tissue injuries, whiplash injuries and back injuries, including spinal fractures and paralysis, since 1982. We ensure that all necessary medical and expert physician evidence is obtained to prove your case. Where appropriate he will retain independent medical experts and arrange private MRI’s, or CT scans to avoid the long wait in the public medical system. We cover all expenses and are paid only when the settlement or judgment is obtained.

Bruce Lemer: Burnaby Personal Injury Lawyer, Delta Personal Injury Lawyer, New Westminster Personal Injury Lawyer, Richmond Personal Injury Lawyer,  Surrey Personal Injury Lawyer, Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer

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